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#JK dedicated most of his professional life to understanding, human rights, and equal rights for every human being on the planet.
Shocked on a daily basis, about the way human beings treat each other, he decided to donate the profits of the early bird single THE CAUSE OF ALL MY SCARS to GLAAD, the organization that is working very, very hard to bring an end to bullying and ease the effects to all the victims.

Very unexpectedly, the very dead band !JP released a collection of their best live-songs.
On ONCE FREAK SHOW, once more, the listener is treated to a little glimpse of a very interesting past, a fitting past made by the unique, sometimes grotesque, but always punk-rocking band !JP (a.k.a the Velvets of the new millennium).
On Thanksgiving 2016, the memories of this band will give away free downloads of the album.
Make sure to check and to like the memories of !JP page on FB>>>

Along with !JP's ONCE FREAK SHOW, the promotional single SNAKE is released as well.
Backed with the eponymous (sort of) track MOTHERFUCKER, which became the band's showstopper in the first decade of the current millennium, the single release also contains the cleaned-up version of the 2012 live-single release of SNAKE.

After the fully extended website/bandcamp version of CARBON COPY and the additional CARBON COPY DANCEFLOOR, the CD/Vinyl/Tape version is now also available on a variety of download sites (like iTunes and Amazon) and stream sites (like Spotify and Deezer).
Although #JK dropped festivities around this celebration album due to a very tight schedule in both theater and film, he now continues to celebrate he has survived 25 years in the music industry (not without a fight here and there, by the way).

LEV Een schepping van ongekende schoonheid, ontstaan uit een perfecte balans. Het maakt van ‘LEV’ een meesterwerk waar men nooit op uitgekeken raakt. (-Guido Lauwaert in De Tijd)
LEV toert tot en met september 2018 langs huiskamers, scholen en universiteiten in Nederland en Vlaanderen.
* LEV ontving op 24 september 2016 tijdens het SAENS Theater Festival te Assendelft uit handen van Dick Nijman de Publieks Waarderings Award.

During the spring of 2016 #JK worked on a new album. The album FROM THE HERMIT'S BEDROOM will be released in March 2017.
The first single from the album THE CAUSE OF ALL MY SCARS has already been released as a gift for the GLAAD organization, but will also be released worldwide on the usual download and music-stream sites, on December the 2nd.
Other singles from the new album will be released in the first months of 2017.