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Showing posts from July, 2021

POOR JERICHO | digital presale

Poor Jericho is the eighth studio solo album by Sinner Songwriter Jean Koning; produced by Jean Koning and recorded during the Covid-19 lockdown in a mobile studio in Zaandijk. The session musicians recorded their parts at home or while streaming on-line. Recording sessions were from May to September 2020.   Go to >>>presale . ********** 1. Corrupted Blood Incident                          2. Under Milk Wood (ft. Ralph George)       3. Panem Et Circenses                                   4. Waltzing Under African Skies                   5. Broken Horse                                             6. Between Corona And Surface   ...

ongoing Covid-19 affairs | POOR JERICHO presale & first single

Poor Jericho is the eighth studio solo album by Sinner Songwriter Jean Koning; produced by Jean Koning and recorded during the Covid-19 lockdown in a mobile studio in Zaandijk. The session musicians recorded their parts at home or while streaming on-line. Recording sessions were from May to September 2020. The first single (in single mix edit) "Panem Et Circenses" is out now!               Presale of the album has begun on BandCamp Buy >>>here . ********** 1. Corrupted Blood Incident                          2. Under Milk Wood (ft. Ralph George)       3. Panem Et Circenses                                   4. Waltzing Under African Skies                   5. Broken Horse              ...

ongoing Covid-19 affairs | PANEM ET CIRCENSES

The phrase "Panem Et Circenses" originates from Rome in "Satire X" of the Roman satirical poet Juvenal (c. CE 100). In context, the Latin panem et circenses (bread and games) identifies the only remaining interest of a Roman populace which no longer cares for its historical birthright of political involvement. During the Covid-19 lockdown, #JK thought this phrase was useful for the people's short-tempered behavior, and the things they sadly all longed for--apparently entertainment over sitting through the pandemic threat. The single "Panem Et Circenses" is part of the dystopian album "Poor Jericho" ℗ 2021 Out Of Office Records            

ongoing Covid-19 affairs | PANEM ET CIRCENSES // unlock the free promo pack!

Panem Et Circenses (free promo pack) Please complete at least 1 step to download the files. follow the link >>>here.

ongoing Covid-19 affairs | BECOME A VIP-MEMBER FOR EXCLUSIVE CONTENT & support #JK and his work while you're at it...

Instantly get everything I make, and then some. Get all the new music I release, plus bonus items from my back-catalog, supporter-only specials, and access to supporter-exclusive messages. BECOME A VIP-MEMBER>>> It’s a like a club. A secret cult. A collective of like-minded failures and failurettes. And It’s not about buying the music. It’s about supporting my effort to bring a little beauty into the world. So, get all the new music I release, stuff from my back-catalog, VIP membership-only specials, and exclusive access to this backstage community. Anyway, you're supporting me, and that's huge, and plenty. Thank you. You'll be added to the VIP backstage area, plus, as a VIP member, I'll send you random surprises every once in a while, including blog-like musings, photos and poetry that aren't for the general public. And we'll just talk online about how unproductive and headstrong I am. FUN! I'll also send you weird postcards from weird places I win...


Jean Koning hasn’t shied away from anything in his decades-spanning career, and his eighth solo album—Poor Jericho, due for October—is no different. Emotional, lyrical, and fiery, the album’s lush, melodic soundscapes reel from major issue to major issue, turning the personal into the global and the political. But don’t take the album’s produced, often danceable sound as an indication that this “Jean” is any less powerful than the Jean of previous eras. Where he once broke your heart into pieces with the pounding of his guitar, Koning is now calling on his listeners to take a stand with every urgent piano line and every ethereal-ish piece of percussion. A stand against hate, against conspiracy theories, against the never-ending machinations of the political and economic machines . It’s a lot to absorb in one listen, and this album deserves many. It’s an album that you’ve been waiting for. Poor Jericho feels like it must be listened through. And then listened through again until you rea...