FROM THE HERMIT'S BEDROOM in its Sterx Version is available to stream! From The Hermit's Bedroom [The Sterx Versions] by Jean Koning >>>For the LIMITED CD VERSION, go here>>> From The Hermit's Bedroom marks Jean Koning’s songwriting coming-of-age -Observer Music Monthly Dense and intense…beauty and passion unravels with repeated plays... ★★★★ -Heat Without question his finest [album] since the scorching ‘theLOTUStape’ -The Times It’s been five years since the release of FROM THE HERMIT’S BEDROOM—an album based on experiences of total lockdown. A self-imposed lockdown, that is. After years of premiers, openings, and high-class parties, #JK choose to retreat from public-life. However, experience proved, when there’s less white noise coming from the outside, the inner workings tend to seek them in news clippings, rumors, and fantasies. In the wake of such an epiphany, #JK wrote the stories for his fifth solo album. Inspired by books, ne...