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Showing posts from February, 2018

... new music on the way...

Starting March 1st, #JK will commence a new musical journey. Through social media, a variety of films and videos,  and frequent posts on his website, he will tour through the history of pop-music, seen from a personal and (almost) political point of view.       First up is an introductory EP which will complete the "I can play with others too"-trilogy, linking the bluesy, minimalistic "Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out" and the jazzy (and Dutch-sung) "Blauw".       Stay posted for more information about the journey and the new "old" music.     <a href="">Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out by Jean Koning</a>   <a href="">Blauw (Vinyl Edition) by Jean Koning&l...

The Archive For Pop Music

With honour we wish to announce the album From The Hermit's Bedroom has been included in The Archi ve For Pop Music in the Netherlands.   In the light of the subject matter of the album, in combination with the inventive way these global issues are presented to the listeners, the Council's attention was drawn to the proposal to submit the album in full in order to preserve it for the future.