So... On this very page in history, which has been altered severely by nature (and for those two conspiracy maniacs out there: this means created in a freaky chinese laboratory under the constant supervision of a usa/europe/islam-coalition-regime, then directly fed to the people through 5G-radiation...-- this obviously being a sarcastic remark) I should have been in either Paris, Hamburg, Berlin, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Groningen, Antwerp, Montreux, and/or Nice right now, doing that thing I love most (this is such a sarcastic remark, even I blinked): LIVE PERFORMANCES TO PROMOTE MY UPCOMING RECORD... Instead, I am just like you--who knew?--sitting at home, petting the dog, eating and drinking too much, keeping life outside... And although half of the planet (or more) is freaked out by this idea; it's everyday life to me. So nothing has changed very much for me, except for the fact that I am not on a stage right now, doing my best to promote the freaking f*ck-- excuse my french--out...