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Showing posts from May, 2018

This September, #JK returns to the stage as an actor...

... until then, explore his abilities to portray somewhat troubled, deranged or frightening characters. Through a number of posts on Instagram, #JK shared some of his favourite scenes, displaying some of his favourite characters. Exploring the (cult-ish) underground film EDWARD... #actor #film #undergroundfilm #cultfilm #edward ©IM Media A post shared by Jean Koning (@jeankoning) on Apr 19, 2018 at 12:47am PDT Exploring the Dutch crime film POST... #actor #film #tvfilm #post ©omroepwest A post shared by Jean Koning (@jeankoning) on Apr 19, 2018 at 1:01am PDT Exploring the theatrical play ZOLO&LOTUS... #actor #theater #drama #slick #loosesand #play #amsterdam #dutch #pirate ©theatergroep los zand/rien de jager A post shared by Jean Koning (@jeankoning) on Apr 21, 2018 at 9:55am PDT Exploring the theatrical play OPEN WOND... #actor #theater #monologue #drama #automutilation #extreme #shocktheater #feedyrhead #whips #religion ...

Partnering on DOG!

Ralph George surprised many last March by bringing out an album so small in scale, so finnicky and chilly, that many saw it as a stubborn step back into dilemma--something that seems unwelcoming in today's music industry. Stylistically The Perfectly Imperfect Side Of Love saw him taking more risks than at any time since he first started putting out little videos of well-known cover songs on the internet. Combined with the song-writing gift of Jean Koning (and under his supervising production), the songwriter-pair came up with compositions which became a specialist lens through which to view spectral characters and stories otherwise lost to view. The release of Dog (Analog Mix E.P.) sees the pair's first production collaboration. Provided a richer mix, Dog finds George sending his narrators out to wander the sinister mazes of Koning's songs. Once again in Dog Koning has provided the settings for George's lyrical and vocal explorations. There's a famili...