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Showing posts from April, 2018


<a href="">Is That All There Is? by Jean Koning</a>

Is That All There Is?

<a href="">Is That All There Is? by Jean Koning</a> This song alternates between spoken narration and the sung chorus. It's about a person sunk in chronic boredom, perhaps depressed, to the point where he is not impressed with some of life's greatest spectacles. It's rather macabre. First, he watches his house burn down and asks, "Is that all there is to a fire?" Second, he goes to "The Greatest Show On Earth" and wonders, "Is that all there is to a circus?" Third, he meets someone, falls in love and they break up. "Is that all there is to love?," he wonders.   The ending of this song refers to suicide, addressing the listener directly: I know what you must be saying to yourselves "If that's the way he feels about it why doesn't he just end it all?" Oh, no, not me I'm not ready for that final disappointment This ...


Almost ten year ago, the infamous club De Waakzaamheid closed its doors. Although there were plans for a revival of the illustrious dance hall, these plans were never executed.   Five years ago, #JK released the album INDUSTRIAL CITY IN THE CLOUDS on which the song " Waakzaamheid , de~" gave presence.     It's time to rediscover the track...     <a href="">Industrial City In The Clouds by Jean Koning</a> … or stream the track from your favourite streaming-service       2013 REVIEW OF INDUSTRIAL CITY IN THE CLOUDS Sympathy for some devil. "Her skin bursts, and she bleeds," growls Jean Koning on the astonishing Industrial City In The Clouds. It's funny, it's impressive, and we should take him at his word. Never a shrinking violet on r...