"Dark organ-washed bass-pounding shuffle till it hurts post-post-punk lo-fi danceable terror from Jean Koning (& they’re some damn catchy tunes)." These words above, were spray-painted all over the garage walls—the garage which functioned as a temporary recording studio—when a group of musicians (led by our hero #JK) finished the recordings of Jean’s sophomore album WAKE UP IN L.A. somewhere in early 2011. And some heroic effort it turned out to be. WAKE UP IN L.A. is—to date—still #JK’s most psychedelic album. Strange storytelling, weird poetry, overdrive organs and distorted guitars. It’s not very difficult to hear that the recording sessions had frequent intermissions for surf-trips, long drinking sessions, and intermediate bonfire hoedowns. And there’s that fantastic tape-hiss humming throughout the final album mix. WAKE UP IN L.A. is one of those real musicians’ efforts, where creativity, improvising, and musicianship walk hand in hand and create true and original...