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Showing posts from May, 2019

gravedancing | NEW ITEMS IN THE STORE...

GRAVEDANCING is perhaps one of the darkest of all Jean's songs. It investigates life through a lens of unlimited possibilities, while the pressure of the rigid outside world, and the limitations of organised religion (in all of its forms) push the protagonist down. Even though the base of the song is located in Zaanstad, through the bordered "small-minded" sonic landscape of INDUSTRIAL CITY IN THE CLOUDS as well as INDUSTRIAL CITY RMXS , the song has direct links with the Bayou just outside New Orleans. The protagonist is very much interested in the possibilities of what Voodoo can do and invests his education into a mild form of witchcraft. This inspired the new collection, now presented in the shop, labelled "gravedancing," "gravedancing voodoo," and "gravedancing voodoo II" . With the main colours (very much like earlier collections) red, white and black, we offer an array of home-decoration items, as well as apparel, mugs, note...


The RMX album was released December 29, 2018 produced by Jean Koning and Eric Guez live-mixing: Lorenzo Ursini for MME analog mixing: Stephen Brey Mastering: Denis Miller at M.D.B. Mastering Studio's, Brighton original songs p/c 2013 Coffee&CheeseCake Records - used by kind permission. license all rights reserved alternative   avant-garde   bitpop   electronica   experimental electronic   glitch   i.d.m.   micropop   sinner-songwriter   London


On Surrender The Pink , !JP comes clean with the rock & roll that’s always driven them, from as far back as when singer Jean Koning stormed out of his rehearsal room at the conservatory. Whereas 1994’s Anatomy Of Addiction and 2000’s Everybody Else’s Boy strove to extend Koning’ voice-and-guitar foundation into different areas — blues and dance — Surrender The Pink closes up shop and starts over with a live-band recording done by two men: Koning and Van Weely. A woolly jam dynamic pervades Pink , from the paisley metallicism that kicks off “Screw” to the grooving dream world of “Drifted.” Throughout the album, Koning and Van Weely throw themselves and their instrument of choice into bass-drum-guitar ensembles augmented by percussion loops and the occasional string section. In the past, all elements of the arrangements answered to Koning and his guitar; now, they replace that hierarchy with rock interaction. On Surrender The Pink , the two men are just some of several tender...

gravedancing | VOICES AND NAMES RMX (single​/​video) by Jean Koning vs. Aarich Anderssonn to be released...

The Official Music Video for the Gravedancing-remix from Industrial City RMXS is set to be released May 10th . The video will premiere on YouTube as well as as an opening-feature in selected cinema's across the U.K. (one day only).     Artistically, the video, which is a collection of footage shot by S.T. Vacirca, Aarich and Jean, is a visualisation of brooding Brexit-tension. It was shot fully in Great Britain. Through images of Moors, Scottish Highlands, stunning National Parks and the joggers trail near Brighton, combined with footage of mysteriousness, blood, water and dark, lurking shadows, Koning and his video-art-making-fellows tried to assemble the under-skin tension energised by old Hammer Horror films. The downloadable single will be available solely from BandCamp and can be pre-ordered now. The digital single consists of the audio-file of the RMX as well as a copy of the original video. gravedancing | VOICES AND NAMES RMX (single/video) by Jean Koning...

"QUILTS" | #3 March

Gewapend met zijn gitaar, zijn vermogen om via liedjes boeiende  verhalen te vertellen en een tanklading aan covers—welke hem, naar eigen zeggen, veilig houden in donkere tijden—speelt de  sinner -songwriter zijn eerste volledige cover-show BLANKETS.   “ Blankets  zijn dekens, dekens zijn covers, covers zijn liedjes, liedjes houden je warm, blankets ook... cirkel rond, niet?”   -Jean, December 2018 Elke ochtend op de dag van de performance trok #JK zich terug voor een laatste repetitie. Op dat moment besloot hij welke covers hij die avond of middag of zelfs wekend zou spelen. En elke keer nam hij de sessie op. Deze opnames worden verzameld onder de noemer "QUILTS"   Songs: Jackie / Satellite Of Love / John Wayne Gacy Jr. / Real Men / Joan Of Arc / Troy / Pissing In A River / Enjoy The Silence Final rehearsal: March 23 Performed: March 23 (Groningen) / March 24 (Nijmegen) BLANKETS ook in Uw huiskamer? Meer info vindt U >>>hi...