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Showing posts from May, 2022

!JP's A SINGER MUST DIE | 20th anniversary

From day one in the recording-studio, they were aware. Even though lead-singer Jean Koning had a mild mental set-back during the process, the band was always fully aware; they weren’t recording just another punk-ish record… they were creating art… -the New York Times Perhaps it’s safe now to say: this is the Velvet Underground And Nico for this generation… -Rolling Stone Don’t let tape-recordings shy you away from something we were waiting for for a long time; art has returned to the world of music!  -MAN magazine A Singer Must Die (20th anniversary edition) by !JP The Twentieth Anniversary Edition of !JP’s “A SINGER MUST DIE” marks the second occasion to self-proclaim the label “Classic” to one of their─frequently overlooked─extremely artistic efforts in the form of an album. Heavily influenced by William S. Burroughs, maleficent hallucinogens, The War On Terror and visions of an apocalyptic landscape, the dystopian─and often dense─material makes sense even now, twenty years later...