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CELEBRATORY 23 | HOTEL - Lounge Act Tour '03 [the 20th anniversary of the !JP special]

Once upon a time–and we can measure this in years; in this case twenty–good old MTV allowed some experimental stuff on some of their niche channels.

Having said this, experimental, not only in music, but also in visuals.

So, twenty years ago, we earned this little slot on one of the Summer-no-one-is-watching-anyway tables to exhibit our little tour-performance film, made by Suus DJ, who was also responsible for the THANK GOD YOUR SPERM IS WEAK DVD, which was released later that year.

The L’Hôtel Du Freaks album was celebrated with the audience in 2003 during a pre-summer schedule–which earned us multiple awards–and a post-summer Theatre Tour (in Dutch Theatres only). The pre-tour was labelled HOTEL: Lounge Act and the post-tour HOTEL: DeLounged. The first leg was fully electric, the second mainly acoustic.

Now, celebrating twenty years in existence, please, revisit this poorly recorded tour-film-ish thing, once solely owned by MTV, now a public video on YouTube…