The CSD is held in memory of the Stonewall Riots, the first big uprising of LGBT people against police assaults that took place at the Stonewall Inn, a bar on Manhattan, New York City's Christopher Street in the district of Greenwich Village on June 28, 1969.
On Saturday, June 27, 1970, marches to mark the first anniversary of Stonewall were held in Chicago and San Francisco, followed on Sunday, June 28, 1970, by the Christopher Street Liberation Day Parade in New York and the Christopher Street West Association Parade in Los Angeles; the four gatherings were the first Pride parades in United States history. To accommodate the interests of the many different groups participating, the Christopher Street Liberation Day Committee named the days leading up to the march Gay Pride Week.
On the one hand, CSDs are considered political parades, and therefore also include speeches, political mottos, and attendances and patronages from well-known politicians. On the other hand, CSDs are often compared to carnival processions or techno parades, in which celebrating and partying are the main focus. This is the idea of all gay pride parades: through celebrating, the LGBT community shows that they can be proud of themselves and their community.
With the acceptance declining, and the discrimination and exclusion increasing, #JK took off to his mobile studio to remix and re-record two songs from his 2010 "Man Enough To Be A Woman" album; Glorious Love, and Soft.
By doing this, and in the conscience mind, that #JK is a very private, almost recluse person, he created his own 13-minute parade to commemorate those who went before in the ongoing struggle against discrimination, exclusion, and, homophobia.
"We are here to celebrate our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters, support some amazing Queer activities and declare Christopher Street Day to be here (& to be Queer), and to return to our very own streets!!!"
The proceeds of this song (and its accompanying merch) will be donated to The Trecor Project.
Find out more about GLORIOUS LOVE here>>>
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